Tuesday, May 16, 2006

This is not a knit blog*

I have been fighting a migraine for 2 days now. I think I’m in the clear, but I’m trying to be very small just in case. And I normally wouldn’t mention a knitting project but I think it might be contributing to the current tightness across my back and shoulders, which increases the probability of developing another migraine.

Last spring I started knitting an afghan for Chris. We were sitting in Borders flipping through magazines one innocent afternoon. Chris had a stack of boating magazines and I was looking at an issue of Knit It - a collaboration between Better Homes and Gardens and Lion Brand Yarn. Oh yes, it is bad. Full of ponchos and vests made with fun fur. Horrible stuff. Except for one pattern - a throw which wasn’t ugly at all. A geometric square within a square pattern that is sure to appeal to anyone with an engineering degree. And suddenly there I was, agreeing to knit this for Chris’ birthday. Ok then. One year and 2 birthdays later, I’ve got the 20 mitered squares completed. And last Saturday I spent the afternoon hunched over, stitching them all together. Yesterday I started the border, picking up 127 stitches off a 48” edge on 29” circular needles! Did I mention that the temperature here has hit the mid-90s? Did I mention that this thing is wool?! I think it’s time to retire the knitting again for the summer. So close...sorry Chris.

*Please sing to the tune of ‘(This is Not a) Love Song’ by Public Image Ltd.
And to change gears, I’ll tell you about the time the Dragon and I met Johnny Rotten. It was long ago in a far away land… Fine. It was 1986 in Detroit. And we had tickets to see PIL at the Royal Oak Music Theatre. (It helps the story for you to know that the night before the concert we heard Johnny Lydon baggin’ on Ted Nugent during a radio interview.) So, at the show’s after-party at St Andrew’s Hall, Amir had people queue up to meet the infamous Johnny Rotten. We snaked through the room while Johnny sat in a high back chair swigging tequila and spitting on the floor. As we slowly filed past, the Dragon says “so, I hear you’re gonna jam with Ted Nugent…” and Johnny hisses “Fuck that!” and flips us off!

Ahh the memories…
(Dates and locations verified by the Sain’t. ‘Cause the memories aren’t only warm – they’re fuzzy!)


Anonymous said...

Can you believe, I have never heard that story. And they were my tickets, damnit!

elfini said...

I find it almost impossible to believe that you hadn't heard that story repeated at least a dozen times.
It's just too cool to say that you were flipped off by Johnny Rotten.

Those were your tickets?!